Friday, October 14, 2005

kAleiDasCopiC aRt

Now I'm hooked; even the most mundane photos can be transformed with a bit of image manipulation.
With risk of misquoting Ripley's trademark "believe it or not..." one image is a pair of glasses next to a glass paperweight and the other is a badly focussed pine cone on my wooden kitchen table.
Amazing what a bit of technical jiggery-pokery can achieve!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

eVoLutioN aT tHe oFFicE

OK, so my initial idea has moved on, morphed, or evolved, depending on your viewpoint.
I am still very much sticking with the notion of using a mobile phone camera oNLy as the instrument to capture my aRT, but today's photos from the oFFiCe were less than inspiring so I have applied some artistic effects to enliven them.
They're still everyday objects, an in fact one of them is a recycled and reprocessed shot from an earlier post.

And I still pose the question: 'buT iS iT aRt?'

Additionally, my phone is now being upgraded to a Nokia 6230i with, among other 'non-phone-related-but-nevertheless-essential' features, comes with a 1.3 Megapixel camera, which I find a staggering achievement.
Hopefully this will help me get some clearer shots in the future...

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

tHe aRt oF dRiNkinG

For all the alcoholics and coffee drinkers amongst us these should be truly easy to identify.

The first is that depressed feeling you get when you peer into your last bottle of grolsch at 2am and realise that you may as well turn in for the night now...

The second is what you try to focus on a work when you need to make sure all that extra sugar you added to your 3rd coffee of the morning has dissolved...

Sunday, October 09, 2005

oRgaNiC aRt

Today I thought I'd add a couple of organic pieces to the prOjeCt

Believe it or not, these are not body parts but the undersides of two large gastropod shells taken from my sea shore garden display.

Pretentious, moi? Mais vraiment!

Saturday, October 08, 2005

mObiLe pLaCes

This is the second thread for this aRt pROjeCt.

With mObiLe pLaCes I am including those locations where I have had my phone available to take snapshots of potentially artistic situations.

The first photo may be recognizable as the holocaust memorial not far from the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, but the second?
It's not Egypt, or even the middle east, that would be too easy. If you were in the South of England in summer 2005 you would have also visited this impressive sand sculpture, bringing the Pharoahs to Brighton. I chose this shot since, in keeping with philosophy of using only unedited photos, I felt the pyramid-like tents in the background added to the scene.

moBiLe phOne aRt

This is the start of this aRt pROjeCt to explore the use of the camera cell phone to create some artistic themes.

Both of the images shown are everyday objects taken from unusual angles using a standard Nokia camera phone, provided generously by my current employers. The images have not been edited, other than resizing to make them suitable for viewing on the web.